The following are just some examples of what we can help you with.

Women's Health
Wellness visits, Breast / Pelvic exams, Pap & STD testing
Problem evaluations and management
Family planning & safe sex discussions
Birth control education & management
IUD/Nexplanon placement & removal
Basic & advanced hormone replacement therapy
Biopsies -lesions & endometrial (NO Colposcopy)
*We currently do not offer obstetrics
Medicinal Cannabis Consultation
We offer a comprehensive approach to the use of Therapeutic Cannabis (aka Medical Marijuana) for those who qualify under the NH and Maine program rules. We work with patients to develop a treatment plan specific to their needs to help them find the best benefit possible to control their symptoms.
Our Approach Includes:
-Evaluation, Education, Certification & Follow up and management (initially at 3 mo then every 6 months afterwards)
Our protocol includes scheduling all patients for an evaluation visit before we certify them for TC. This allows us to determine if a patient will qualify for the Maine or NH TC program and request any necessary supporting records or testing from previous providers. At a certification visit, we teach patients about the use of TC and how it can be used to help with their concerns. We will also conduct any necessary examinations and make sure a patient is in good health and ready to use TC. If applicable, re-certification/extension is the done annually.
*Patients who come to us for TC only (no other services) are exempt from the quarterly administrative fee

Mental Health Counseling & Medication Management
Our Nurse Practitioners and Mental Health Counselor provide prescription management and therapy for ADHD, PTSD, Anxiety & Depression, among other common emotional health concerns.
Customized Health & Wellness
Our sister company, Compass Customized Health & Wellness was created to provide a variety of Med-Spa services for our self-pay procedures. Our trained Providers, Nurses and Licensed Medical Esthetician are here to help you feel and look your best! Customized Health & Wellness currently offers services including:
Hormone Optimization
Compass Customized Health & Wellness started out as Compass Hormone Health. In 2019 we were the 1st in NH to be certified to implement the BioTE Hormone Optimization Method. We provide consultation regarding hormone management as we help our patients to achieve optimal hormone levels so they can feel better and age healthier. We offer BioTE pellet therapy for both men and women and our providers are adept at managing thyroid, reproductive and adrenal hormones to help with chronic fatigue, mood difficulty, poor sleep, weight trouble, low bone density and muscle mass, elevated cardiovascular risk, brain fog, low libido and more.
For more information please check the BioTE website or call Customized Health & Wellness at @ (603) 749-0002
For BioTE Site Link with Pellet Information Click Here:
Cosmetics, Aesthetics & More...
Many of our clinicians are trained in Medical Aesthetics. We offer several self-pay services including the following:
-Laser and IPL Skin Care to treat redness, inflammation, sun damage, acne, fine lines, age-spots, broken capillaries, seborrheic keratosis & hyperplasias, cherry angiomas, under-eye cholesterol deposits and scaring.
-Laser and IPL "Permanent" Hair Removal
-AviClear Acne Laser
-Botox & Dermal Fillers (coming soon)
-Skin Classic Treatments (skin tag, age spot and skin imprecation removal)
-NuEra Tight Radio-frequency Fine Line and Wrinkle Reduction
-Laser Vein Treatment (spider and feeder veins - not varicose veins)
-TriLift Non-surgical Muscle and Skin Toning & Tightening
Here at Compass we have multiple state of the art Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and medical lasers.
Our clinicians are trained to provide permanent IPL/laser hair removal via the Lumenis Stellar M22, Cutera Prowave and NdYag devices.
We also offer multiple skin tightening, toning, lightening and health therapies via the Lumenis TriLift, Radiofrequency-microneedling or via the Cutera Limelight IPL. To help with acne, skin damage, dark spots, bacterial and fungal infections, our NdYag provides multiple options for those of all skin-types. Cutera's exclusive laser genesis skin therapy is a great way to keep your skin fresh & healthy.
TriLift -Lumenis
Check out other TriLift pre / post photos are available through Lumenis:
Why wait until those pesky wrinkles and sun spots build up, call us for a consult to discuss your options today!
Compass is the first office on the NH Seacoast to offer the 1st and only FDA approved Acne Laser!
AviClear treatments help not only to treat skin inflammation, but works to shrink your sebaceous (oil) glands, helping to eliminate acne long-term. The amazing results parallel those of Accutane, without any down-time, risks or possible side effects that harsh chemicals often cause.
Click the link below to check out what Cutera has to say about AviClear
For more information about any of our esthetic skin services listed above, you are welcome to call the office and schedule a 30 minute consultation appointment. There is a consultation fee of $50, which will be credited towards services that are scheduled at the end of the consult.
IV & IM Nutrient Therapy
Compass offers Intravenous and Injection therapies to help with general hydration, nutrient delivery, headache relief & metabolism, among others... Treatment plans are customized to each individual so consultation is often required prior to nutrient administration.
Medical Weight Management
At Compass we provided medical weight management services including nutritional consultation, pharmaceutical weight loss, metabolism supplement counseling and in-office injections. Options can be discussed during a regular problem visit that we bill to your insurance through Compass Family Health. Multiple medications are often covered by insurance; but for those that are not, we offer affordable alternatives in-office under our self-pay fee schedule.
For more information check out Compass Customized Health & Wellness @
We work with Janice Anderson BA, RN, HN-BC, CCT of InsideOut Wholistic Wellness and Thermography to offer our patients access to an alternative screening and monitor method. Thermography is a noninvasive, painless, and safe adjunctive diagnostic procedure in which a Meditherm infrared camera is used to record thermal patterns and temperature variations on the surface of the body. This produces real-time digital images (thermograms) that can reveal sites of physiologic dysfunction and or abnormal tissue growth. Thermograms can also identify nerve and vascular changes that are invisible to xray and MRI, making this a beneficial tool for individuals looking for a unique and radiation-free way to show physiologic and metabolic process changes.
For more information about InsideOut Wholistic Wellness and Thermography click the following link:
Diet and Nutritional Supplement Counseling
In an attempt to help our patients live a healthy and abundant life, we offer nutritional guidance appointments. Because our providers run comprehensive lab panels to evaluate where someone might be able to improve their dietary or supplement intake, we offer visits to customize a diet or neutrapsutical treatment plan. This approach has been shown to control disease processes as well as promote wellness, energy, gut and mental health, bone and weight management. We work at the individual's pace to acheive thier unique goals.
Below are links to our Fullscript, WholeScripts & BioTE direct to patient accounts:
On our Fullscript site (*used to be Wellevate) you can find a 20% provider discount on thousands of professional-grade / brand name nutraceuticals which are reliably sourced and stored. You can look here to see some of our favorite brands and specific supplements.
On our WholeScripts site you can access our Xymogen “medpax” which are pre-packaged daily doses of several supplement combinations for our patients. This is where you can find a general daily supplement pack or any of our hormone metabolism packs-these are great for our HRT pellet patients! This pre-packaged combinations are also provided at a discount for you.
Our BioTe Direct-to Patient site provided patients the opportunity to access the same nutraceuticals we keep stocked in the office. You can create an account via the following link and enjoy free shipping on orders $79 or more.
Next Steps...
If you have questions regarding our services we would love to hear from you.
For more details give us a call at (603) 749-0001